Friday, 26 March 2010


Don't normally post twice in a day.

However, something rather monumental has just happened. The rockstar that is my friend Drummond has come through.

He's picked up the gauntlet that was a guest list + 1 for the sold out Black Rebel Motorcycle Club London gig and he ran with it (although, as I always say, you shouldn't run unless the coppers are chasing you...).

Drummond has scored guest list +1 for for the gig.

I am amazed. Frankly amazed. Not at Drummond. He is a sorted geezer, but at the poor sucker who fell for his stuff about 'my friend has cancer...'.

No, seriously, I am sure he didn't resort to that...

Anyway, this is good. One downside is it is 8 days after my first Domestos infusion. Will I be sick? Will I be poorly? I do know my white blood cell count will be on the floor at this point (7-10 days after an infusion is the best time to pick up an infection apparently).

Oh least it will be from a likeminded musically astute person...I wouldn't want to catch a cold and die from someone who liked the X-Factor...nope, mine will come from someone with a bit of musical taste.

I shall judge my wellbeing on the morning of the gig. I am quite sure Drummond, knowing him as I do, could easily find some big-breasted blonde to take with him instead of me if I am chemo-sick.

1 comment:

  1. Great news about the gig, go and enjoy :)

    You will be fine , I didn't feel too bad after my first week of Chemo , the anti-sickness meds worked really well.
