Friday, 2 April 2010

Oh oh oh Delilah...

Well it is done.

The tresses are gone.

I have short hair.

I am not going to be all brave and stoical about this. I don't care how many people tell me 'actually, you really suit a crop' or my particular favourite; 'trust me, not everyone can get away with it that short, but my, you really can!'.

Samson said 'Don't trust women, don't get your hair cut' and looked what happened to him!

I just don't like it. It feels wrong. I don't feel like me. All my strength is gone...

I have kept the foot long pony tail that got snipped off. Did you know the ancient Greeks offered hair to the Gods for deliverence and mariners would offer locks of their own hair for a safe voyage? Perhaps I ought to make a little shrine and place my ponytail on it in the hopes of a safe voyage-through-chemo...

I shan't mention my hair again (there isn't a lot of it left to mention). I will let you know when it begins to fall out (between chemo cycle 1 and 2 apparently) and I will re-visit Ollie the Hair and have a #1 all over...

This is my last weekend before chemo. I am filling it with nice things...seeing friends, getting drunk, seeing more friends, getting more drunk. I might eat some chocolate too at some point...I am not a big drinker and never really have been but I feel the need to have a few this weekend. Actually, I have felt like smoking cigarettes, snorting coke and injecting smack the last month. I mean, I have lived a pretty healthy life up to now...don't eat meat, only drink soya milk (and that is supposed to prevent breast cancer!!!) and have exercised every day.

Look where a healthy life has got me...

...last weekend I saw a friend of my boss. He is a heavy smoker, drinker and a diabetic. I think he has had the odd heart attack too along the road. He said 'look at me, they all thought I'd be dead by now and look at you. It's all wrong'. Yes, it's all wrong.

So I am off to drink, eat chocolate, score some smack* and generally be unhealthy this weekend...I have had my pre-chemo blood test so no one at the hospital will know!

*not really

Quote of the Day: "I don't consider myself bald, I'm just taller than my hair" Seneca


  1. I'm glad you're making this weekend'll get there....bald or otherwise madam!!! I have every faith in your fight!

  2. I take your bald, madam, and up it to no eyelashes or bikini line...well, in a few weeks. Hurrah, no more shaving under my arms on a daily basis!
