Friday, 9 April 2010


Just a quickie. I am off to work.

I had a poo this morning. I wouldn't normally let people know such things about myself (pink pee is different, it is cool).

But constipation is a side effect I was told I may have straight after chemo and for the first few days after. This is the time period called the 'chemo phase' and it lasts for about 48 hours or so...the time the actual Domestos is in the system before my hardworking body chucks it out.

And I had a poo! Hurruh for poo! It's great. I am not constipated (I have never been constipated, so I am not entirely sure what happens, but I have seen that advert on know, the one with the four women who think they are in Sex and the City and 'pass it on').

Anyway, out of here for now. Be happy for me, one more side effect missed out for this chemo cycle.


  1. Well I guess that's what I get for saying I thought you were posh, you go and lower the tone :P

  2. I think there is going to be a whole lot more 'lowering the tone' over the next 6 months.

    Hey, the runs are supposed to start next week!

    I think there should be a sign on any cancer ward door: 'All ye who enter here, leave your dignity at the door'.

  3. Oh lordy I never thought there would come the day when I read about your poo....flaking skin yes toilet tales who would have known!

  4. Well at least I called it 'poo', Luvvi ;-)

    I am very proud that I had a poo. My body hasn't let me down...yet. I know the time will come when it will...but I will forgive it once the Domestos starts to break it all down, cell by cell.

  5. " lowering the tone " :-)

    Wait 'til they start asking you , colour , size, shape , consistancy and amount..........
    I was ; part of some study , by Bristol University.
    In the meantime get some Lactulose or Senna and Mag in , just in case . :)
