Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Accessorising for cancer....

Today, a stranger in a shop said this to me:

"Why don't you draw attention away from your bald head by wearing large jewellery, you know, like a big necklace?".

This was what I wanted to reply:

"Why don't you go fuck yourself?"

I didn't. I wanted to, but I didn't.

I know she was trying to be helpful and kind and thoughtful but hell, lady, if you knew me you would know I wouldn't wear large jewellery like a 'big necklace' if my life depended upon it.

Who do you think I am? Pat fucking Butcher?

Save me, save me from turning into someone who accessorises for cancer!

1 comment:

  1. Seeing as you now look so 'ard, I'm surprised you didn't nut her! ;-}
