I have had a thoroughly blissful weekend. I have only left the house once; to get all the Sundays, which I promptly took back to bed and stayed there with them until lunchtime.
I have slept, eaten, watched telly, watched movies, read a book (only a crime fiction...can do one in a morning), eaten some more and generally potatoed myself out all weekend.
Had quite a few calls from people asking what I am up to and am I coming out; 'Nope' I said, 'I am staying home and doing absolutely nothing'. I could do this a lot more. I cannot articulate how wonderful it is to do absolutely nothing, see no one and march to the beat of my own circadian rhythm.
The one thing I did do was 'Bic' my scalp. Well, not Bic, more Venus Goddess razoring really. Not sure if Gillette envisaged a woman using their product to shave their chemo-ravaged scalp, but hey ho, that Satincare gel and those smooth glidebars give a great velvet-smooth scalp. It sounded very odd as the razor passed across my stubble. You know the sound I mean? Pretty smooth up there and it feels great; less Sinead O'Connor and more Dalai Lama now. Get me an orange kaftan and I could do a great impression...not so much a goddess on a mountain top (yeah baby she's got it), more a bodhisattva of couch potato enlightenment.
It looks weird, but 'good' weird if that makes any sense. Finally, I am bald, and it wasn't chemo, it was me. My own doing. And it is all rather liberating...I am not sure how other women deal with the hair thing, but I am impressed with the way I did it...a few months of getting progressively shorter and shorter. It was the right thing to do, even if it caused some angst along the way. Indeed, now it has all gone (albeit by my own Venus razor and probably a month or so prematurely) it feels entirely natural...as if I have accepted the inevitable and just got on with it.
And, as chemo is going ok with no side effects yet, at this point in time I feel the whole hair thing has been the worst thing I have had to cope with...and I have not only coped, I have coped with dignity. I will try and deal with the other inevitables similarly...
This whole cancer thing brings with a it a lot of inevitables: chemo, surgery, radiotherapy...perhaps the ultimate inevitable eventually. But even the inevitable can be dealt with...really. 'It's ain't what you do' sang Terry Hall and Bananarama, 'it's the way that you do it'.
"Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions." - Dalai Lama
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