I have indeed been up most of the night...
I was tired. I went to bed at about 11.30pm. I fell aleep for an hour or so and, by 1-am that was it. I saw every hour tick past on the clock. I read an entire pulp novel. I cleaned the kitchen. I attempted to go back to sleep at 6am. I gave up, made some coffee, got my mail in and am sitting here now. I have to go to work in a few hours. And I am about to take another 4mg of Dex now and more later tonight, if I follow the Dex schedule.
I normally hit the pillow and sleep for a straight 7 hours, often in the same position I fell asleep in...
I could def off the Dex, seeing as I don't feel any different to the way I did pre-Chemo yesterday. I certainly don't feel nauseated or sick. I am not going to vomit. My hand feels fine and the swelling has gone down...but I feel I ought to take it because of the new drug blah blah. I do comply with the docs instructions...they do say you can def off the tablets if you feel well...but first Taxo? I think I ought to do it this time. I might not bother will the anti-sickness, which I am supposed to take at 10am. If I don't feel at all sick beforehand, that seems pointless. The Dex is supposedly good for sickness...but I want to make sure the anti-imflamatory part of it keeps my veins in good order really.
It's obvious to me now that us chemo patients aren't fatigued and tired from the chemo! It's the bloody Dex they give us...if this goes on, I'll be knackered by Sunday!
I do have to keep an eye out for other 'Taxotere-specific' side effects over the next few weeks. These include swelling of hands and feet, blood clots, muscle tightness and joint pain. These are all serious and I need to call the on-call oncologist at the hospital and go straight in...not sure why? Imminent death? I will keep an eye out for it all.
Right, hitting the shower and might as well go into work early. My loss; their gain!
"Faster, faster, until the thrill of speed overcomes the fear of death!" - Hunter S Thompson.
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